Coloring Pages with PDFs and JPGs For Only $1.50 Per Page!
This Me Journal Package Includes The Following Beautifully Illustrated Toys Themed Journaling Printables:
- Me Cover Page
- Describe your favorite toy as a child and explain why.
- What lessons did you learn from your family? Elaborate
- When you were little, did you try to stage a runaway? What made you do it? What did you pack? How were you able to go back home?
- Do you remember your mother’s or grandmother’s cooking? Describe your favorite dish.
- Describe the place where you lived when you were young. Write down some of the unforgettable events that happened there.
- How were you as a child? Were you silent, rowdy? What are things that haven’t changed since then?
- Describe your parents separately. Tell a good story that stays with you to this day.
- What family traditions did you have? Do you still practice them today?
- Were there any catchy expressions or sayings that stuck to you when you were young (Ex: Rise and shine, Sunshine)? Who said them specifically? Do you use any of them?
- Describe a funny childhood memory that you have. What do you remember?
All files in PDF, JPG, and PSD files. In 8.5×11 format.
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